Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The 2nd Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Peer Reviewing (KCPR 2007)

The 2nd Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Peer Reviewing (KCPR 2007) will be held in Orlando, Florida on July 12-15, 2007. March 8th, 2007 is the deadline for paper/abstract submissions and invited session proposals.

The registration fee of effective invited session organizers will be waived and they will receive at the registration desk, for free, a package of 4 DVDs and one CD containing the 6-hour tutorial "Fundamentals and History of Cybernetics: Development of the Theory of Complex Adaptive Systems". The market price of this package is US $ 295. Twelve more benefits for invited session organizers are listed at KCPR 2007 web page.The best 10%-20% of the papers will be published in Volume 6 of JSCI Journal (http://www.iiisci.org/Journal/SCI). 24 issues (volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4) of the Journal have been sent to approximately 200 universities and research libraries, Promotional, free subscriptions, for 2 years, are being provided to the organizations of the Journal's authors.

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