Wednesday, October 17, 2012

JOLT Call for Papers on MOOCs

MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Call for Papers – 
Special Issue Proposal Submission Deadline: November 15, 2012 
Full Paper Submission Deadline: January 31, 2013 
Special Issue: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) 
Guest Editors: George Siemens, Athabasca University, Canada 
Valerie Irvine, University of Victoria, Canada 
Jillianne Code, University of Victoria, Canada 

 Authors of prospective papers for the special issue are invited to submit via e-mail to the Guest Editors, on or before November 15, 2012, a proposal in the form of an extended abstract of approximately 500 words outlining the content and aims of the proposed paper. Proposals are to be submitted via e-mail to and should include a list of core and other relevant references (not included in the word count). Authors will be notified no later than November 30, 2012 as to the status of their proposals. Full manuscripts prepared in accordance with JOLT’s Guidelines for Authors ( will need to be submitted by January 31, 2013 via the JOLT Manuscript Management System ( with an indication in the “Comments” field that the submission is for the JOLT special issue on MOOCs.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Quality Matters 4th Annual Conference ~ Oct 3-6 ~ Tuscon, AZ

We would like to announce The Quality Matters 4th Annual Conference on Quality Assurance in Online Learning. We invite you to join us October 3-6, 2012 at the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, AZ. October 3rd is a day of pre-conference workshops. The conference begins October 4th and concludes on the 6th.

Check out our conference tracks and topics. The Call for papers is now open and runs to Wednesday, March 7. Conference registration opens soon. Tweet about the conference at #QM2012.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Where Design and Content Converge,” with special contributions from MERLOT. The conference includes pre-conference workshops, a reception, a keynote address, an awards ceremony, many concurrent sessions, networking opportunities, and exhibits.Stay tuned for more details about the Quality Matters’ 4th Annual Conference on Quality Assurance in Online Learning!
We hope to see you in Tuscon!

The Quality Matters Team

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Illinois Faculty Summer Institute ~ May 14-16 - UIUC

Faculty Summer Institute (FSI) is a 3-day conference for higher education instructors and other professionals. Participants come from Illinois state universities, community colleges, private institutions, and out-of-state universities.

FSI offers presentations, workshops, and hands-on training involving the latest technological advances in education. Participants may choose to exclusively follow one of three tracks, or attend any session in any track. The tracks all correspond to this year's theme: Learn & Lead.

Networking is a main component and benefit of FSI. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences and unique teaching methods with others, both in person and virtually. There are many opportunities for face-to-face networking during the conference with receptions, lunches, dinners, and sessions. Attendees are also encouraged to spread the word virtually before, during, and after the conference via Twitter, Facebook, and any other social networking site(s). Please use the hash tag #fsi2012 as you communicate virtually.

Key Dates (tentative)

Call for Proposals Opens: Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Call for Proposals Closes: Friday, March 16, 2012
Proposals Approved & Presenters Notified by: Friday, March 30, 2012
Acceptance by Presenters/Facilitators: Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Conference Registration Opens: Wednesday, April 4, 2012
FSI Conference: May 14-16, 2012
Registration Fees

State universities: No charge
ION partner community colleges: $50 (ION pays the other $50)
Private institutions: $100
Out-of-state institutions: $100

Thursday, January 19, 2012

e-Cornucopia 2012 - June 8, 2012 - Oakland University, Rochester Hills, Michigan

Creativity is necessary in today's world as never before; to solve problems, engage students and workers in learning, generate prosperity, build a viable ecology and adapt to rapidly changing technology, society and culture. This one-day conference features two tracks, one will focus on Creativity in the Classroom with faculty presentations about creative pedagogical methods and student assignments. The other track, Technology that Enables Creativity, will cover discussions and demonstrations about specific technological applications that support creativity.

Each presentation will be 50 minutes including question and answers. Each presenter will have a podium, projector, microphone and laptop. Presenters will be offered free registration to the conference.

Abstract proposals must be completed by Friday March 9.

Call for Papers: Special Issue of JALN on Learning Analytics

The Sloan-C Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (JALN) advisory panel on learning effectiveness is soliciting articles on the use of analytics in online learning for a special issue to be edited by Karen Swan. Full first drafts of proposed papers should be submitted to JALN ( and emailed to Karen at on or before April 1, 2012. Final revised copies of your papers will be due by May 25, 2012.

To submit a paper, follow the directions at

Please contact Karen ( with any questions.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Emerging Technologies for Online Learning Conference - July 25-27 - Las Vegas

Call for Presentations is Now Open
Closes March 5, 2012

Track Descriptions

Digital Learning Environments & Communities

This track showcases learning environments and communities which support improved teaching and learning online (through Mobile, Virtual, Augmented Reality, artificial intelligence, future LMS adaptations, and/or Social Networks). The track welcomes submissions that provide evidence of the effectiveness and impact of new learning communities that succeed in experiential and service learning, collaboration, and practice for critical skills and training. Suggestions include:

What are replicable or shareable examples of new teaching and learning environments that improve outcomes in learning, accessibility, affordability, faculty satisfaction, or student satisfaction?
How are new social networking applications transforming online and blended educational environments?
How do these affect: student learning and satisfaction; the roles of faculty, administration, and staff; access to educational opportunities; or the formation of non-traditional networking?
What evidence measures the effectiveness of these environments?
Can virtual environments that feature physical replicas assist in learning?
What are effective approaches to technology selection, open source utilization and partnerships, peer learning, or self-learning paradigms?

Accessible Learning for All

This track is especially designed for researchers and practitioners to share information about Open Education Resources, Open Learning, Accessibility, Affordability and Open Research. Suggestions include:
Which emerging OER practices make sense for use in everyday instruction? For STEM instruction?
How can technology bridge the tension between access and intellectual content?
What can technology do to ease the tension between intellectual freedom and open access?
What evidence supports the inventive uses of open educational resource to improve outcomes in learning, accessibility, affordability, faculty satisfaction, or student satisfaction?
How can we use mobile learning to reinforce open learning?
How can social networking tools be used in your classes to support OER?
What types of tools do we have for valid student assessment of OER?
What emerging technologies support students with disabilities?
What practices/technologies can make education more affordable?
Will open research requirements speed the cycle of information and impact teaching and learning?

Evidence-based Learning and Reflection

This track includes sessions on pioneering and innovative uses of assessment alternatives to supported academic and life-long learning. The crossroad where technology, learning and, assessment meet is the focus of this track. This track includes e-portfolios, performance assessment, project-based learning, experiential learning, and/or authentic assessment tools and techniques. The track sessions will serve as guides and support for currently-understood high-impact educational practices, and an array of new high-impact educational practices. Sample questions include:
How can assessment support reflective and integrative learning designs?
How can technology provide alternatives to testing to assess student achievement in STEM fields?
What examples do we have of effective electronic portfolio practices? Performance assessment practices?
How does a campus implement alternate assessments across the academic enterprise?
What types of practices and tools lead to greater changes of career success?
What technologies best support “evidence-based learning” and what significance does this hold for the future of education?
How can graduates develop their digital identities for career success?
How can experiential learning use the latest technologies to document success, create community and support academic continuity?

Learning And Data Analytics

This track examines learning analytics for improved teaching and learning. The track includes analytics in a broader sense, including standards for institutional, programmatic, and course improvement. This track is especially for practitioners to share information about using data analytics for specific institutional goals, to increase retention, better serve students, and improve learning outcomes and success. The track includes results of data analytic studies to describe inventive approaches. Suggestions include:
Which data analytics make sense for use?
What is the evidence that data analytics really improve outcomes in learning, accessibility, affordability, faculty satisfaction, or student satisfaction?
How can we use mobile learning to improve data?
Does social media impact data analytics?
What types of tools do we have for valid analysis?
How can analytics assist learning in technical disciplines? What are ways to best teach the use of analytics online?

Faculty and Student Development

This track focuses on new paradigms for learning and information technology to support student and faculty services, emphasizing support for online and hybrid environments, including 24/7 learning, professional development, and academic continuity. Suggestions include:
How have the myriad new applications and technologies affected student, faculty and staff support systems and models?
How do we know what technology to adopted?
What best practices exist in the development and support of faculty in STEM fields including mathematics, engineering, technology and science topics?
What type of instructional delivery works best for faculty? for students?
How should faculty development efforts be evaluated?
What are creative and cost effective applications of technology for student, staff and faculty development and training, library, academic and student support services?

Innovation in Media and Tools

This track is especially for practitioners to share information about using media and tools for specific learning objectives, to explain results of media studies, and to describe inventive approaches. Suggestions include:

Which emerging technologies make sense for use in everyday instruction?
Which emerging technologies make sense for use in STEM instruction?
What is the evidence that inventive uses of media and tools really improve outcomes in learning, accessibility, affordability, faculty satisfaction, or student satisfaction?
How can we use mobile learning to reinforce what we teach?
How can social networking tools be used in your classes?
What types of tools do we have for valid student assessment?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Association of American Colleges and Universities ~ October 18-20 ~ Baltimore

Modeling Equity, Engaging Difference:
New Frameworks for Diversity and Learning
Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel, Baltimore, MD
October 18-20, 2012
Call for Proposals

The deadline for proposal submission is Wednesday, February 29, 2012. You will receive notification about the status of your proposal in April. Questions may be directed to Siah Annand at

Writing a Strong Proposal
Conference Themes
Session Formats
Become a LEAP Featured Session
How to Submit a Proposal
Dates to Remember
Online Proposal Submission Form
Writing a Strong Proposal

Proposal Format

Proposals are accepted through an online form and consist of a session title (100 character limit), statement of the intended audience (100 word limit), participant outcomes (100 word limit), plan for participant engagement (150 word limit), background and description of work (150 word limit), and a brief abstract to be used in the final conference program if the proposal is accepted (150 words). You will be asked to select a session format and theme. In addition, the form will ask for the name, title, institution, and email address of each facilitator.

Proposal Review

Experts in the field and AAC&U staff will review all proposals and make final selections.

Reviewers will look favorably upon proposals that:

Include facilitators who bring diverse perspectives to the topic your proposal addresses.
Reflect sound theory, research, strategies, and models that have proven effective and reflect established visions or models for change.
Provide a clear sense of how the session will unfold, examine lessons learned, and offer effective approaches for advancing change and overcoming challenges when participants return to campus. “Show and tell” submissions with little or no applicability to other institutions will not be considered.
Conference Themes

The conference will follow four themes:

Theme I: Linking Diversity and Learning in New Contexts
Theme II: Designing Intercultural Courses, Curricula, and Campus Climates
Theme III: Diversifying, Supporting, Rewarding Faculty and Student Affairs Educators
Theme IV: Pathways to Equity and Excellence

The questions that follow each theme are suggestive and are not meant to cover the full range of topics that may be proposed within the theme.

The deadline for proposal submission is midnight Wednesday, February 29, 2012. Proposals should be submitted through the online form, available in January